Drony SIT Pilsen

We can see underwater


BlueROV 2

This submarine is used for inspections of structures and objects located under the water surface. It is also a great tool for researching life underwater.

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Bluerov 2

Nozzle vector configuration

The BlueROV2 uses the patented T200 nozzle in a vector configuration that provides a high thrust-to-weight ratio and the ability to move precisely in any direction.

Adjustable boost levels allow the pilot to have precise control at extremely low speeds as well as high power to overcome currents and carry heavy loads.

Live image + modularity

This sub has a FHD camera inside the waterproof tube, which we have mounted on a 1-axis gimbal. We are therefore able to transmit real-time video directly from the scene. The camera can be tilted down and up by the pilot to achieve the best visibility of the subject.

Another great feature is the modularity. We can add virtually any additional sensor to the BlueROV2, from a camera to additional lighting. It just needs to be waterproof.


Maximum immersion 100 m
Maximum speed 1.5 m/s (3 knots)
Maximum distance 150 m
Light Source 2x 1500 lm
Camera 1080p/30 fps (FHD)
Operating temperatures 0°C to 30°C
Technical Drawing BlueROV2


S4AllCities Horizon2020

Ability to assess cyber and physical security threats in real time with the impact of enhancing security, protecting lives and property.