Drony SIT Pilsen


Sony QX1

Affordable RGB camera with high quality parameters. Although the camera doesn’t reach the uncompromising resolution of the Sony RX1R II, it is very often used to capture large areas. It provides the greatest coverage per raid of all RGB cameras. The camera can be fitted with a 15mm Voigtländer lens, which significantly increases the size of the area imaged. With this lens, the camera becomes an ideal tool for 3D object reconstruction.



Due to the possibility of imaging huge areas, we use the camera on missions where the resolution of the resulting model is not a priority. The lens makes the camera ideal for creating 3D models of large areas, such as digital twin cities.

Resolution 19.8 MP, 5456x3632 px
Best possible model resolution (GSD) 1.4 cm/px
Maximum coverage at best GSD resolution 130 ha at 50 m flight altitude
Coverage when flying at 120 m 320 ha, GSD=3.4 cm /px
Capture rate 1.4 s