Drony SIT Pilsen


Sony RX1R II

The most popular and accurate RGB camera for WingtraOne drone. It is a camera equipped with a full-frame sensor, i.e. a sensor of the size equivalent to the size of a 35mm film field. Cameras of this type provide better image quality, as the larger sensor captures more light and can work with higher ISO sensitivity at low noise levels. At the same time, the camera provides a high resolution of 42 MP, making it possible to capture fine details even when shooting from a higher altitude.



The full-frame sensor and high resolution make this camera ideal for creating orthophoto maps with high accuracy and therefore the ability to capture fine details.


We use the camera for example for capturing construction work and creating accurate orthophotomaps. The quality of the captured data enables accurate distance measurements or analysis of changes in sequential scanning.

Resolution 42.4 MP, 8000x5320 px
Best possible model resolution (GSD) 0.7cm/px
Maximum coverage at best GSD resolution 90 ha at 55 m flight height
Coverage when flying at 120 m 210 ha, GSD=1.5 cm/px
Scan rate min. 0.6 s
Absolute horizontal accuracy with PPK (RMS) less than 1 cm
Absolute vertical accuracy with PPK (RMS) less than 3 cm