Drony SIT Pilsen

Projects and references

IZS Stream

We have created a comprehensive solution for streaming video from the location of the event, which we can distribute to the command center, crisis headquarters, wherever there is internet connectivity…

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Fire Sensors

We are working together with the University of West Bohemia on the development of a drone carrying special sensors that, when dropped, detect what substance the commander of the intervention…

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Inspector app

When carrying out inspections of bridge structures, we have developed a software application that allows us to measure the size of joints, cracks with a deviation of about 1% over…

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Integrated Rescue System and Crisis Management

We are part of the integrated rescue system of the Czech Republic. We provide air support and other services to units of the Fire and Rescue Service and the Police of the Czech Republic in the Pilsen Region.

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Every new contract for us always has the same and only goal - success and a maximally satisfied client.

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