Drony SIT Pilsen

Our Services

Bark beetle detection

In cooperation with our sister organization SVS Plzeň (which takes care of, among other things, urban forests), we have been working on a project to detect bark beetles in a specific tree for two years. We are able to detect bark beetles thanks to images taken by a multispectral camera, which we then process in the MultispectralExplorer application using AI that we developed ourselves. Detection of a particular tree is possible before the first spring swarm.

MultispectralExplorer is a mobile app that primarily serves as a tool for early detection and finding bark beetles. It enables automatic detection of suspicious trees before the problem is recognizable to the naked eye.

The app works with data from a multispectral camera that is carried by a drone. The camera takes images in five spectra (R, G, B, NIR, RedEdge) from which it can detect the amount of light/food the tree is receiving. The application then uses a comparison method to determine if the tree is out of the normal range. If it does, it marks it as suspicious vegetation and adds it to the list of trees to be checked by the forest manager.

Because of the basic principle of this method, the app is able to detect bark beetles 14 to 28 days before the tree dies and the beetle spreads. At the same time, this method also detects other types of infestation, diseases or natural drying of trees.

The app is directly connected to our cloud and all data is available online at any time. The user can download selected projects directly to the app on the tablet. This allows the app to guide him to suspicious trees even without access to mobile data.

In addition to generating a list of suspicious vegetation, including the GPS coordinates of each tree, the app also serves as a navigation or viewer of other vegetation indices and spectra that help experts determine the overall condition of the forest.

A machine learning-based solution is currently being developed. In this case, the algorithm teaches itself to recognise suspicious areas. It is therefore not necessary to specify the rules by which these areas are defined.

Different data samples are presented to the system in turn, together with information on whether or not the area is infested. This phase is called the training phase and the system searches for parameters in which the infested and uninfested areas differ. After the training is complete, the system is able to make its own decisions based on the learned rules.

Several factors affect the accuracy of this approach, probably the most important of which is the amount of data that is used for training. In order to speak of a sufficiently general ability to distinguish between infested and uninfested regions, the system needs to be supplied with hundreds to thousands of samples. Ideally, the amount of infested and uninfested samples should be approximately equal. The biggest challenge is therefore the collection of this data, as there is no publicly available database containing this data yet.

We currently have a first version of the learning system. With each additional year that we are able to collect new data, it is possible to retrain the system and improve its accuracy and robustness.

A Linux server will be used to process the newly captured data. Once a new area has been encountered and the acquired data uploaded to a predetermined location, the server application will automatically process the data and make the results available to the application in the form of probability maps.

Drones in use


This is a drone of the VTOL category, i.e. a drone with vertical take-off and landing. Thanks to this feature, we only need a 2×2 meter takeoff and landing area. In the air, on the other hand, it flips 90° and continues as a classic aircraft. The lift of the wings then allows us to fly faster and, most importantly, to save a lot of energy - longer flights than with quadcopters and other similar machines.
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Carried equipment

Sony QX1

Affordable RGB camera with high quality parameters. Although the camera doesn't reach the uncompromising resolution of the Sony RX1R II, it is very often used to capture large areas. It provides the greatest coverage per raid of all RGB cameras. The camera can be fitted with a 15mm Voigtländer lens, which significantly increases the size of the area imaged. With this lens, the camera becomes an ideal tool for 3D object reconstruction.
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Sony RX1R II

The most popular and accurate RGB camera for WingtraOne drone. It is a camera equipped with a full-frame sensor, i.e. a sensor of the size equivalent to the size of a 35mm film field. Cameras of this type provide better image quality, as the larger sensor captures more light and can work with higher ISO sensitivity at low noise levels. At the same time, the camera provides a high resolution of 42 MP, making it possible to capture fine details even when shooting from a higher altitude.
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MicaSense RedEdge-M

Basic multispectral camera that can be mounted on a WingtraOne machine. Compared to RGB cameras, multispectral cameras also capture in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is invisible to the human eye. In total, the camera captures in five bands: red, green, blue, rededge and near infrared. From these bands, so-called vegetation indices are then calculated, which have a very important information value about the biomass being imaged. Due to the nature of the two extra bands, the multispectral camera is most commonly used in precision agriculture, forestry or water management applications.
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