Our Services
Fire Sensors
In cooperation with the University of West Bohemia and the Fire and Rescue Service, we have completed the development of a prototype drone designed for the Fire and Rescue Service. The machine is equipped with a platform that allows carrying 9 sensor units, which the drone is able to carry and drop at designated points in autonomous/automated mode.
The device is automatically activated after dropping and via a data network (in the field we create our own on LoRaWan technology, including the ability to create data satellite connectivity using Cobham Explorer technology) transmits data from the sensors to the application with which the intervention commander works. He thus has data on what hazardous substance he is up against during the intervention and has information on its spread.
The sensor unit is designed for:
- drop from about 30 m (fall damping, lifetime of electronics,…),
- it is possible to change sensor types (temperature, gas detection, radioactivity, etc.),
- reuse
- real-time communication (data transmission to the application where it is visualized to the commander of the intervention)
The benefit of the solution for the Fire and Rescue Service is related to:
- the ability to quickly deploy sensors around a crisis event (fire, chemical spill, etc.) at designated points
- the ability to detect with the deployed sensors what type of substance is involved and in what concentrations
- with monitoring of the evolution over time (directions of spread, intensity, etc.)
Further development will continue towards miniaturisation (we plan to carry 18 sensors on one drone) and towards sensor expansion.

Every new contract for us always has the same and only goal - success and a maximally satisfied client.
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